ellis CORY wrote:
> It was good of Gary to resurrect my old question, times have moved on from
> then and I have gained a lot of useful information. After all, 'meaningless'
> is in the eye of the beholder ! and for the purposes I required, eveything I
> have found out is 'meaningful.
> For those interested AVERAGE values are:
> Cornea to retina 24mm
> Lens dia. 9mm
> Light sensitive Rods (black and white) 400+ASA
>                             High light sensitivity, low resolution
>                       Cones (colour) 25 ASA
>                             Low light sensitivity, high resolution
> Normally sensitive to yellow/green light during the day
>     blue/green at night.
> Acute vision angle 15 deg.

Actually you are slightly wrong. For colours the official vision angle
is 10 deg. If interested in details, look here:

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