Jeff Dilcher wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 May 2002 09:51 pm, wrote:
> > Perhaps the majority of pinhole is not at all concerned with sharpness.
> > There are many, many of what I consider Pictorial shooters, achieving great
> > soft images, some very dreamlike.  Very nice stuff! (eg: Davison's The
> > Onion Field, etc, etc).  The WWPD gallery is full of great, soft pinhole
> > images.
> I have had people who couldn't believe that some Finney pics I made
> were actually pinhole, due to sharpness.  Using the "correct" focal length and
> aperature, I was able to get this amount of detail:
> I don't mind not having "razor" sharpness, but I like a certain level of
> clarity...
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Well, they are sharp like a good ax, if not a razor. How did you choose
a hole size?  
(speaking of razors, I built a crossed slit "lens" with razor blade
fragments into a Pentax body cap. That would be a slit made by making a
slit with the sharp ends of 2 razor blade fragments in the body cap,
glued a washer over the slit for a little separation, and added another
slit 90 deg.. from the first slit. Will see how it works with film
behind it soon...)(yea, i know, run-on sentences, good thing you aren't
reading this out loud)


"Gravity is a harsh mistress"
                    The Tick- 1996

Mike Beacom

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