----- Original Message -----
From: <michael_georg...@trendmicro.com>

> Pinhole can be about sharpness, as well as softness... it's also about time,
> and light, perspective, art, science, chance and fun!

In the very far past I've been "nailed" in this list because of my interest on
the scientific and mathematical approach to it, which has included the use of
the so called "OPTIMUM" formula that is supposed to give us maximum sharpness,
and the measuring of pinholes using microscopes.  Now, you are "nailing" me
because a statement I made was perceived as meaning I reject (for lack of a more
suitable word) sharpness.    Common, cut me some slack, will ya Michael !!  :-)

No pinhole image will ever be sharp, in the "lens photography" sense of the
word. In that respect, the reason we practice pinhole obeys to "higher" causes,
higher than "sharpness".  Your reasons may or may not be the same as my reasons
and even if they were the same, their order of importance could be different
between yours and mine.   Now, the above does not limit some of us (yes, I am
one of those, believe it or not!) to want to get as "sharp" pinhole images as we
can get, either sometimes or all the time.

Science has never failed me, hence my advice to use the "scientific formulation"
as the point from which deviate (or not!).


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