I uploaded the results of an accident:
www.???????/discussion/upload/gallery2002.php?pic=achagower.jpg  The figures 
are in a cemetery in the village of Achagower, in County Mayo, Ireland, but the 
tombstones are at Kilgeever Abbey, thirty miles south. I was shooting 8x10 Tmax 
400 and mistakenly did a double exposure. I never ever discard apparent 
mistakes without loking at them carefully, or even printing them just to see 
what i really have. This is a gift of the gods. The other thing I learned from 
this trip was that I can shoot 8x10 and then just cut the good image out of the 
negative. I've been using this set of images from ireland to cut my teeth on 
platinum printing, with good enough results so far. 

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