I believe that those two use the old Polaroid ROLL film (as
opposed to pack film) which hasn;t been made since 1990.
They were great cameras and were frequently converted to
use pack film, so if what you are looking at has been converted
it will work well.  (I have an unconverted 95B with a leaky
bellows that I bought for the lens/shutter, so I know that the
lens can be easilly be removed leaving a place for the Pinhole.)
Unfortunately, the converted models often cost in the $200

Mike Vande Bunt

Ray Esposito wrote:

Thanks Mike.  I am looking at a 95A and a 95B.  Can you recomend these

Ray Esposito wrote:

Which Polaroid makes for the best or easiest pinhole conversion?

That depends on what type of pinhole camera you want to make from it.
If you will be satisfied with a "normal lens" focal length, the


non-folding models such as the "Super Shooter" are VERY easy to
convert.  (Avoid the "Square Shooter" which looks the same but
for which the film has not been mase for a number of years...)
If you want an extreme wide angle, then the folding (bellows)
models are the best (100 series, 200 series, 300 series, etc.).
Excellent information on the whole range of Polaroid cameras
over the years can be found on "The Land List" (for which I
think the url is www.landlist.org but a search engine should be
able to find it by name if I remembered the url wrong.  Of
particular use to pinholers is mention of which of the folding
models had tripod mounts.)

I relize that 6 or 8 months ago I promised to give some
detailed conversion instructions here and I have not done
so.  I really will try to get that done in the next couple of weeks!

Mike Vande Bunt

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