I don't know about a focusing loupe but any tightly woven no lint black
cloth should do.  The heavier and finer the weave the better.  Probably a
good try would be raincoat material.  You want it pliable and easily
foldable.  You could use fake leather or bookbinding material but this is
awkard to fold making packing a difficulty but perhaps more importantly
folds and the hang of the material do create natural light traps which will
make focusing easier, especially in conditions of bright light.


on 4/1/02 4:39 am, Jeff Dilcher at dilc...@hiddenworld.net wrote:

> Anyone have any good / cheap suggestions on how
> I should go about obtaining a focusing loupe and focusing cloth?
> I need something that will work reasonable well with
> a 4X5 view camera, but am not interested in spending
> too much, obviously.  I have a finney that I am experimenting
> with using for lens as well as pinhole work..
> Any tips appreciated,
> Jeff
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