----- Original Message -----
From: "R Duarte" <ra...@rahji.com>
> what's going to happen?  will the film police come after me?  is my family
> going to suffer dire consequences because of my stupidity?  and how do you
> all keep track of 2 dilutions of fixer,

When using Ilford Universal Fixer, I use film strengh for both film and
paper, with the added advantage that paper (RC) fixes in just 30 secs.

> anyway, let me know if there's anything i can do or if i should just deal
> with the fact that these negatives are going to discolor over time or
> something.  (how long do they have if that's the case?)

I am not sure if you said you fixed them for 12 minutes using 1+7 (twice
during 6 minutes each time), if so, you should be OK, otherwise, you could
still re-fix them using the correct dilution and for 60% or so of your
normal time for film [ 1 minus (1/7)/(1/3)].


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