Jakub Adam <jakub.a...@ktknet.cz> writes:

> Hi Felix,

hello Jakub,

> Thanks for all the information you provided so far. I spent some time 
> studying the logs but
> couldn't make any final conclusion. All of the required packages you have 
> installed seem to
> be at their latest versions and I didn't find any fatal error related to 
> bundle loading in
> your debug logs.
> Thinking of it more, maybe there is nothing wrong with the installation, but 
> there is something
> in your workspace that makes Eclipse hang during startup (but also it doesn't 
> affect 4.2 binary
> tarball).
> When you run without ~/.eclipse do you see a workspace selection popup? If 
> so, can you please
> try to create a new empty workspace and look if Eclipse will start
> then?

Yes, it starts with a clean workspace. I've got a simple workspace
without confidential data, which I uploaded and which shows the problem.

> If it happens that it's your current workspace that causes the hang on 
> startup, are you able
> to put somewhere for download a stripped down version? I think only the 
> .metadata folder will
> be sufficient, no projects that might contain private of confidential data. 
> Please check
> that the hang still occurs with the stripped workspace before
> uploading.


Best Regards and good luck,
Felix Natter

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