Le vendredi 28 novembre 2014 à 07:04 +0800, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
> Hi,
> Web application have evolved into monsters that needs lots of
> javascript. It's very common that these javascript applications are
> collecting all the .js library they use, concatenate them into a single
> file, and compress the result using all sorts of tools (node uglify is
> one of the implementation, but that's not the only one).
> As much as possible, as good Debian citizens, we do package each and
> every javascript library into a separate package. But then, if there's
> an update of that JS library, the Web application package has to somehow
> know about it, and redo the concatenate & compress job. Otherwise, the
> web app would continue to use the old version.
> I have this issue with the OpenStack dashboard (ie: Horizon), but also
> with a second web app which I'm currently packaging (OpenStack Fuel,
> which is a deployment software for OpenStack). Though this could of
> course be generalize to any JS app.
> It's been a long time I've been thinking about it, and I believe that
> the only way to do this, would be to use triggers. Though I have never
> used triggers, and I thought it was a good idea to ask my DD friends and
> this list about it. Should there be one trigger per web app? How would
> this work?
> Thoughts anyone? Jonas maybe, who did lots of JS packaging?

Instead of triggers, i'd rather make sure the web application package is
rebuilt whenever one of its Build-Depends package is updated.
That way, updates of bundled assets would be handled by the same
migration process as library updates.
Is it possible ?


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