Hello Pirate,

On Sun, Oct 01 2017, Pirate Praveen wrote:

> On 09/30/2017 09:26 PM, Sean Whitton wrote:
>> To my mind, this complies with the letter of Policy but not its
>> spirit.
> The whole purpose of having contrib and non-free is to host packages
> that can't be in main, either permanently or temporarily. I fail to
> see how it is against the spirit.

To my mind, at least, the purpose of contrib and non-free is for
packages that can't be in main for DFSG reasons /alone/.  Social
Contract item 5:

    We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of works that
    do not conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines.  We have
    created "contrib" and "non-free" areas in our archive for these

> This is in dependency chain of gitlab
> https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Nodejs/Tasks/gitlab
> Packaging of rollup is stuck [1] and I can make progress with gitlab
> package with node-d3-color in contrib. Quite a lot of work can happen
> even with gitlab in contrib, like making sure everything is configured
> correctly, making sure update from previous version is working, people
> can test and report bugs while we are working on getting all
> dependencies in main etc. If I simply wait for rollup to arrive in
> main, I can't do any of those.

Okay, I see how this would be useful -- thanks for the explanation.

I am still very uneasy about serving our users -- even our users of
Debian unstable -- with packages that are built using material pulled
from the net.  I think that people who add 'contrib' to their
sources.list do not expect this kind of thing.

Sean Whitton

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