On Wed, 06 Feb 08 23:48, Armin Berres wrote:
> 4) kwin contains the following public headers:
> usr/lib/libkdecorations.so.4
> usr/lib/libkwineffects.so.1
> usr/lib/libkwinnvidiahack.so.4
> libkdecorations needs to go into a seperate package in any case. See
> #463924. This needs to be done for KDE 3 as well.

Just wanted to remind you, that we shouldn't forget to make this change
for the 3.5.9 upload.
I won't have much time within the next weeks though, it is exam time...


P.S.: Suggestions regarding my first mail are for sure still welcome.
Don't know if we agreed on something (apart from: yes, we should do
something) in IRC.


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