pino added a comment.

  In D15093#319336 <>, @andersonbruce 
  > If you as a representative of the plasma-nm philosophy have a preference on 
which way to go or have a brilliant idea which solves all the problems, I will 
follow your lead.
  I'm not a plasma-nm developer, @jgrulich is :)
  Your explanation makes sense, thanks for taking the time to explain it. One 
thing I (don't) see is the configuration of pre/post scripts in plasma-nm for 
other types of connections (I can only check for wired, wireless, and openvpn). 
Maybe a possible idea is to leave them out for the first version, and implement 
them later if a) deemed appropriate for plasma-nm users b) solved their 
configuration mess as you described it.


> andersonbruce wrote in wireguard.cpp:175-178
> The problem with using the KConfig method is if a space slips into the config 
> file before or after the comma then the spaces are left in one or the other 
> of the QStrings and I have to process each entry in the list to remove the 
> spaces. The files can come from elsewhere, e.g. I have some provided by my 
> VPN which have spaces in comma separated lists. Using split allows both 
> operations to be performed at the same time.

This is what `QString::trimmed()` does already. Considering you are passing the 
string directly to QHostAddress, it is just easy to write

  const QPair<QHostAddress, int> addressIn = 

  R116 Plasma Network Management Applet


To: andersonbruce, #plasma, jgrulich, pino
Cc: acrouthamel, K900, anthonyfieroni, pino, lbeltrame, ngraham, plasma-devel, 
ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, 
sebas, apol, mart

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