ngraham added a comment.

  Very nice! In conjunction with Marco's patch (D22083 
<>), I now see the following for Dolphin's 
settings window: F6968869: Screenshot_20190704_134502.png 
  I notice that your screenshot depicts the sidebar with no top, bottom, or 
left margins, which is the indended appearance. Is that the result of some 
other required patch I haven't applied yet, or did I do something wrong?

  R31 Breeze


To: hpereiradacosta, mart, #vdg, filipf
Cc: ngraham, ndavis, filipf, mart, plasma-devel, LeGast00n, jraleigh, 
fbampaloukas, GB_2, ragreen, Pitel, ZrenBot, himcesjf, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, 
jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol

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