I do keep lists:






And while you might not keep lists, auto closing issues reminds not just you that attention is needed but it reminds the users that you don't keep a list.  And it might will tell the users that you don't really care about backlogs of issues enough to track them.    Whatever isn't dealt with in a few days or weeks will linger for the robot's auto-close lifetime by which point the reporter hopefully doesn't care anymore either. Of course the problem is not that we nor you don't care, we're all just super busy.  But what impression do we want to give the users?  That we're so busy we need a robot to help us?

On 10.02.2022 11:28, Mickael Istria wrote:
FWIW, I personally like the "reminder" about old bugs I once cared about and then have forgotten about, and that often allows me to take a decision of whether I'm fine seeing them closed (sometimes marking them as resolved or not important any more), or whether I need to reopen them with more context. I almost never do active triaging of those bugs by looking at a bug list. The only triaging I do happens by reacting to these notifications. Remove the notifications, and I'll personally be doing less triaging as a result (for the very little it counts in practice).

If I had to vote, I'd vote -0 for the removal of autoclose, which means I don't mind overall about the decision, but if it were only me I would keep the autoclose.

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