>> It is unclear / undocumented how to *properly* refer to bugs in commits 
>> (full url? repo-name/id? just id?).
>> It is unclear if we should now use dedicated github bug trackers *per 
>> repository* to report bugs, or will be there some higher level bug tracker 
>> for entire platform organization?

Here are my suggestions on this.

  1.  All the commits should have an issue, created in the same repository, 
number associated with them
     *   <description of change> #<issue number>
  2.  For root level issues like work spanning across multiple repositories, I 
would prefer root bugs to be created in
     *   Platform in https://github.com/eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform
     *   Equinox in https://github.com/eclipse-equinox/equinox.framework
     *   Pde in eclipse.pde.ui
     *   Jdt in https://github.com/eclipse-jdt/eclipse.jdt
  3.  If issues span across multiple projects(organizations), my preference 
would be https://github.com/eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform

From: platform-dev <platform-dev-boun...@eclipse.org> On Behalf Of Mickael 
Sent: 24 March 2022 17:40
To: Eclipse platform general developers list. <platform-dev@eclipse.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [platform-dev] Github workflow

Hi, I'm putting a few answers here, but those could go to the document pointed 
out by Sravan (which by the way could be renamed to CONTRIBUTING.md)   I don't 
like forks and used to have branches on main repo - not recommended. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ 
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I'm putting a few answers here, but those could go to the document pointed out 
by Sravan (which by the way could be renamed to CONTRIBUTING.md)

I don't like forks and used to have branches on main repo - not recommended.

Indeed. The "upstream" repo shouldn't be used as a workspace for ongoing work. 
Your workspace is your fork.

I don't like multiple commits in one PR and always use amend/force push - not 

That's *not* not recommended. It's just something that is up to the submitter, 
we shouldn't recommend anything here and let contributors build the workflow 
they prefer.
What needs to be recommended is how we merge and keep a meaningful granularity 
for commits, not how contributors submit their PRs.

I never use command line git and do everything from Eclipse - but some 
recommended to use git CLI.

What typical commands do you have in mind? GitHub really is standard Git when 
it comes to push/fetch, the only thing to know is that reference to fetch/merge 
a PR is `pulls/123/head`, so there is no Git fanciness needed and EGit can be 
used for most operations. The only operation needed is the creation of a pull 
request and its review, that usually happens via an external tool (eg GitHub 

Egit support missing or not - not clear. What exactly is missing, why CLI is 

There is decent support for GitHub in EGit. If anything is missing, it should 
be reported to EGit.

It is unclear / undocumented how to *properly* refer to bugs in commits (full 
url? repo-name/id? just id?).
It is unclear if we should now use dedicated github bug trackers *per 
repository* to report bugs, or will be there some higher level bug tracker for 
entire platform organization?

I believe that is still to be determined, as we're growing collective 
experience here.

Once the PR is created, I see that builds somehow triggered in equinox, but I 
neither get mails that they are stared nor they are finished.

That's an interesting thought. I don't know whether there is some option to 
allow email notifications for votes.

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