Alan W. Irwin writes:
 > > [...]BTW, when I gnerated the above cmake configuraiton diff, it didn't
 > > take effect when I merely removed the cache and reran cmake.  I had to
 > > run cmake fresh in an empty build dir, to get the .../relink.txt file to
 > > be regenerated.  Is there a way to get cmake to actually regenerate all
 > > it's stuff in your current working dir, or do other developers normally
 > > have to start a new build dir from scratch to test changes to the cmake
 > > configuration files?
 > My advice is to always run cmake in an empty build tree.  But that is
 > not an onerous constraint since the only time you should want to re-run
 > it is if you are changing options, and if you are changing options you
 > will probably want to use a different build tree in any case.

Hmm.  Well, the situation I was facing, was a build that died part way
through, and I was mucking with the cmake config stuff, and wanted to proceed
from where I was.  But, thankfully, plplot builds fast enough that the
start-over mantra is only a minor annoyance.

 > So the final advice is never report a bug here until you have confirmed
 > it by starting from scratch in an empty build tree.

:-).  Well, I *did* demonstrate it with an empty build tree, but it was
*still* my own fault in the final analysis.  Oops.

Question about the install process:  Do I correctly understand that most of
the build process proceeds by constructing Makefiles in each directory, and
recursively invoking them, so that the actual build is just running make,
*but* the install targets actually run cmake on xyz.cmake files?  So that the
install itself is not actually a make-controlled process (other than just
kicking off the cmake job)?

If so, is this because the build can't rely on having a working "make"
program on all platforms?  So like even the part that runs via make on Unix,
it would actually not use make, but rather VC++ workspaces (or whatever
they're called) on MS platforms?  Is that why the install rules appear to not
be expressed as normal make actions on Unix?

Or is my confusion deeper than I realize?

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