With some initial help from me, Andrew has just finished integrating example
17 into our tests.  That finishes the work of integrating our existing
examples into the tests.

Here is the current example status (determined running "make test" in the
installed examples tree) for my Debian testing platform with everything
default (e.g., using numpy and Tcl-8.5).

I have excluded c++, f77, f95, and perl/pdl from these results because all
those bindings were perfect according to this test.

   Missing examples            :  19
   Differing postscript output :
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            : 
   Missing examples            :  19
   Differing postscript output :  21
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            : 
   Missing examples            :  19
   Differing postscript output :
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            : 
   Missing examples            :  17 19
   Differing postscript output :
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            : 
   Missing examples            :
   Differing postscript output :  17
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            : 
   Missing examples            :
   Differing postscript output :  17
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            : 
   Missing examples            :  17
   Differing postscript output :
   Missing stdout              :
   Differing stdout            :

The API exercised by example 19 is not straightforward to implement, but
it's been done for Fortran (both f77 and f95) so hopefully somebody will
take up this challenge for java, octave, and python.  My understanding is
that Arjen is working on this issue for Tcl.

17 is missing for Tcl and OCaml, but it should be less of a challenge than
implementing the API for 19.  My understanding is that Hez is working on
OCaml example 17.

Jerry has already remarked on the example 17 issue for Ada.  Instead of
four different legends, the Ada plots show the same (last) legend.  Jerry,
perhaps it is time to try the Ada lists for some help with this Ada/C
interfacing issue?

IIRC, octave was perfect before (except for missing ex 19) for me and
Andrew's commit messages for example 21 imply that example was previously
perfect for him.  Thus, I believe the octave issue for example 21 has been
recently introduced (with revision 8637).  If you look at the first page of
the Octave and C plots the random data are quite different.  That seems a
major clue, but there doesn't seem to be anything obvious in
bindings/octave/demos/x21.m that is causing this difference, and I also
don't spot anything obvious in the revision 8637 commit. Andrew, could you
take a look?

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

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