Hi All

Right I'm back with sensible access to all my systems and back into my
usual routine.

So, here goes

On 28 December 2016 at 05:00, Pedro Vicente
<pedro.vice...@space-research.org> wrote:
> One small caveat is that I think you can only instantiate the template with
> a class that has this Create()
> signature
> Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const
> wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name)
> which is of course , wxFrames, the current use.
> Probably dialogs too, but maybe not things like buttons and other GUI
> elements.
> But I assume that the vast majority of users, if not all, draws the plot in
> "regular" windows?.

You are indeed correct about this. The other very major category that
I think doesn't have this signature is wxPanels and we absolutely must
maintain compatibility for this class. In fact it is more important
for this class than any other, because you could create always create
a wxPanel and put it as the only element of a wxFrame, wxDialog,
wxPage etc

So what I have done is modify the example so that we now generate two
wxFrames with identical plots, but in slightly different ways.

In one I have used the wxPlDemoFrame and moved most of the
initialisation code into its constructor and then this frame is set up
to capture idle events. When it captures idle events it checks
everything is ready and calls Plot() (setting a flag so this only
happens once).

In the other I show how a frame can be created without using
inheritance, with the caveat that Show() must be called and we must
then wait for the wxEVT_CREATE event to be processed before we do any

If I have this right then these methods should be totally general and
should allow any of the constructors for any of the different wxWindow
derived classes to be used. Which is good.

However, you are very correct Pedro that mostly people are likely to
want to derive from classes such as wxFrame, wxDialog and wxPanel. I
think it makes sense to create those classes for our users so that
they can use those in as few lines of code as possible. So what I
would propose is that for this release we attempt to not add or remove
anything from the API and just stick with an example that  works with
what we've got. Then after this release we can add non-template
classes for wxFrame, wxDialog and wxPanel which can be used really
easily by our users and we have time to test them and make sure the
API for their use is stable before the next release.

Does that seem sensible?

So I have just committed the changes I mentioned above. Pedro and
Alan, if you have time to test them on your Linux systems that would
be good. I've tested on my Windows system and I'm about to do so on my
Linux system too.


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