David A. Desrosiers wrote:
> Not at all. This is why the home.html construct works (and it's the
> foundation that Plucker was originally based upon). You have a
> home.html, which resembles the following (excuse the horrible ascii
> art):
>            [home.html]
>                    /    |    \
>                   /     |     \
>                  p1    p2     p3
>                 /|\    /|\    /|\
>                / | \   [ repeat ]
>              c1 c2 c3

Yes, but you can't make P1, P2 or P3 the home page, which is what Alexendar
wants (if I understand it correctly). Also, if you made P1 the home page
there would be no way to reach P2 and P3, unless the pages were related.


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