On Thu, 29 May 2003, Michael Nordstrom wrote:

> On Thu, May 29, 2003, Alexander R. Pruss wrote:
> > I suppose this can be done by just making a custom HTML file pointing to
> > these two files, and then setting depth to 2.  The problem then is that
> > the custom HTML file will, I assume, show up as the home page when one
> > loads in the file.
> Well, you must have a "home page", so how would you otherwise fetch
> two different files and their content if you don't have one file to
> start with?
> > So, perhaps the solution is to add an option to the distiller to start the
> > spidering from one file (e.g., the custom HTML file pointing to the links
> > one wants) and to include another file as the home page in the
> > viewer.
> Huh?

iSilo allows you to explictly include several "start" pages for a
document.  In addition to the "forward/back" by clicking on links, there
is a separate functionality to "go to next page", to access the next
document in the collection.

For example, if you have a collection of text documents (say the chapters
in a book) you can include all of them into a single iSilo document
without having to create an overarching HTML page referencing them.

Also, iSilo implictly does a "go to next page" when you scroll past the
bottom of a page, which makes it nicer for ebook reading.  iSilo's ability
to make huge chuncks of text look like one continuous stream is another
distinct advantage for this type of use, and it's the main reason I keep
it installed on my palm.

I don't think similar functionality exists in Plucker.


    Alan Hoyle  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.alanhoyle.com/
      "I don't want the world, I just want your half." -TMBG
        Get Horizontal, Play Ultimate:  Ring of Fire - Spear

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