> Considering the amount of downloads we might want to wait a week or two
> before we release a first 1.5 version, though ;-)

        I think we're doing good now that the majority of "BIG" downloads
are out of the way (fingers crossed). I've started pushing the files back on
the announce sites themselves, instead of referencing directly to us
(Palmgear, freewarepalm, etc.)

        Still have to make a plucker-announce and plucker-list announcement
and fire off one to comp.sys.palmtops.pilot, but I think wth BitTorrent,
we're doing really good now. I'm watching the stats, it looks good so far.
I'm not totally sold on the design of Bt yet, but if it helps spread it out
a bit around release time, I'm all for it in the short term, as a crutch.

        You'd think we were serving up Britney Spears photos or something ;)

        "Plucker Desktop 1.4, now with free Jennifer Lopez wallpaper!"


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