On 4/3/06, Gregg Eshelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any way to create a Plucker file for the
> low-res version with hotlinks to images, also
> converted with Plucker?

What I do is use PDA Converter, a freeware tool from Rafael Fetzer.

Look here: http://www.jakewalk.de/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=MySoftware.PdaConverter

PDA Converter can convert to Palm "Doc", zText, or Plucker files. 
Essentially, it's a GUI that lets you specify what you want, then
generates a command line with the appropriate options that is passed
to the Plucker distiller in a sub-process.

I used to use it to create Plucker docs with grayscale images for my
old Visor Pro, and currently use it to create full color versions for
my Tapwave Zodiac 2.

> The images look OK in 4bit greyscale, which is good
> enough for many illustrations like maps typically
> found in SF&F books.

Converting the Baen Free Library HTML versions?  I believe I have the
complete set, both from the web site and from various CDs.  Drop me an
email and I can probably send you pre-made copies of a lot of them
that I still have from doing it for the Visor Pro.
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