On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 1:24 AM, Roger Filomeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fooler: There is no definite benchmark scale for kannel, what i meant when i
> say kannel doesnt scale is it doesnt even simple load balancing (problem
> with multi-part messages).

scalability or load balancing is different from mime... it is not
clear to me what you were saying here...

kannel has a feature of load balancing... internal load balancing so
to speak... where N smsboxes connected to bearbox and resolving load
status thru its internal heartbeat messages..

> Kannel by itself is only a hobbyist's tool

nope... kannel is an open source project by the Wapit Ltd company...
read its Kannel Architecture and Design document... the author
carefully design kannel for performance...

> Mark: Yes, extended characters are supported using unicode set because the
> default is GSM 3.38 (7-bit).

depends on the kannel's SMSC driver... see kannel's feature checklist
on SMSC drivers thru its user guide manual...

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