If I may venture a possibly unwanted opinion...

The value proposition of PLUG for me in the early days was being able
to learn from others. The kapihan / kwentuhan / etc. was never a

Now it seems to me that there isn't much learning going on anymore.
Maybe I'm getting old. But the people who used to be active in
contributing to the discourse (people like Ian Sison, Migs Paraz...)
are no longer around. And... the discussion topics which come up these
days are, frankly, boring.

Nobody posts really interesting technical discourse anymore. Or maybe
it's just me.

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Gabriel H. Mercado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Without a vision, it'll just be a social club. Kapihan. Inuman. Kwentuhan.
> And the busy people on this list do not have time for just another social
> club.
> Ian Sison, actually, was the one who made me aware of this. The force is
> strong with that guy, so I'm following his sage like advice.

Orlando Andico
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