On Wed, 19 Apr 2017, Tom wrote:

> Have you considered those files/directories to be showing their correct
> UTF-8 names?


   I assume that one word directory names follow the character string
definition in locale. So, yes, I assume they show their correct UTF-8 names.

   Just ran tree on ~/ and copied last few lines of the output to a file:

         ├── legal
         ├── palmer
         │   ├── laxare
         │   └── suppl-rpt
         ├── past
         ├── permitting
         └── wallace
             ├── laxare
             └── response
├── awk
├── perl
├── python
└── sed

   Running the file command on this test file tells me:

$ file test.txt 
test.txt: UTF-8 Unicode text

   BUT, when I copy that output to this message the language coding has been
changed to koi8-r. I'd really like to understand why. Does it have something
to do with alpine, or urxvt, or something else?

> If that is so, and you do not like it, rename them.

   I like it.

> If you cannot easily rename them because of their "funny" names,

   If you mean 'funny' as in the Microsoft norm of spaces, I don't do that.

   Otherwise, I am not following your thoughts.


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