How many 106 year olds spend any money?  Pegged at that age you are not a
target for much, except, perhaps, funeral services.  Or you could say
30-something and get some "interesting" ads.

On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 6:13 PM, John Jason Jordan <> wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Feb 2018 17:55:44 -0800 (PST)
> Rich Shepard <> dijo:
> >When they deign to allow you to register an accont store your password
> >somewhere so you can refer to it when needed.
> For things like this I always use my 'standard' password, which I
> modify occasionally when a site requires it, using always the same
> modifications. In the present situation it turns out that Firefox
> completely lost the account, because it wouldn't respond to any of my
> three e-mail addresses.
> I finally solved the problem by exporting the laptop bookmarks to
> bookmarks.html, which I then moved to the desktop where its Firefox was
> happy to import it.
> >Why firefox is hassling you makes no sense to me.
> I'm sure the reason they wanted my age was to target ads to me. Had I
> given them my age I would be awash in ads for rest homes and hearing
> aids. As for blocking me, it smells like they got in trouble with the
> federal agency that oversees the law they accused me of violating. But
> their programmers need to make an exception for year 0. Or maybe they
> deliberately blocked 0 hoping to force people to give them a real age.
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