On Mon, 23 Apr 2018, John Meissen wrote:

Those aren't Google, those are SEO companies. Somehow my phone number got
associated with a roofing company in Missouri owned by someone with the
same surname and I sometimes get 2-3 of those calls per day. When I get
bored I try to see how long I can keep them on the phone and if I can, get
their company name/addr/etc., although usually as soon as I start that
line of questioning they hang up on me.


  That's interesting. I looked up 'google business account' on the Web and
found references to 'Google My Business' which looked like just what the
robo calls were promoting.

  Either way, if that computer actually stops calling me it's fewer robo
marketing calls per day that I don't need to delete from my voice mail.

  Too bad the 'do not call' list is so useless; my phone numbers have been
on it since the inception and it's never seemed effective since they change
names so often they can't be shut down.

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