On Thu, 26 Dec 2019, Mike C. wrote:

Indeed. Which means that in practice you're only as secure as the app your
family, friend and co-workers use. And then when you bring up how they
should use encryption, you're instantly the "security conspiracy tin foil
hat wearing person who has a Faraday Cage in their basement" person of the

Over the past week the NY Times reported on their investigation of how
extensive and comprehensive is the tracking of individuals by their mobile
phones. As part of the series they tracked a whole small town for a time
then told the residents what they did and what they found. They also
published a list of three things one could (should) do with Android and iOS
phones to limit the ability of being tracked.

A perfect example of how a technology developed initially for beneficual
uses can be turned into a tool to control or do harm. Sad.

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