------- Original Message -------
On Friday, April 14th, 2023 at 12:03 PM, Rich Shepard 
<rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:

> My Panasonic RP-HT 161 stereo headphones were connected to the desktop
> through a mini-phone jack to USB adapter. When I used a Zoom test it told me
> the headphones worked. During the Zoom meeting, they didn't work.
> Over the past several years I've used a pair of Creative Pebble speakers. I
> finally realized that while they're okay for streaming background music they
> are horrible for voice, distorting it so it's unintelligable; I'm replacing
> them this weekend with a pair of PreSonus Eris E3.5-3.5" near field studio
> monitors. While this change will allow me to hear videos, for a Zoom (or
> Jitsi) meeting they'll feed back to the Marantz Pro MPM-1000 condensor
> microphone, so I want to use headphones.
> Pavucontrol didn't see the headphones using the USB connection. Connecting
> them to the output jack on the rear of the desktop pavucontrol the Output
> Devices tab shows ADA ATI HDMI (Digital Stereo [HDMI 2] Output unplugged),
> Line Out (plugged in) and Headphones (unplugged) and the Configuration tab
> shows HD-Audio Generic (Analog Stereo Duplex).
> The Zoom meeting is being rescheduled but I need to fix the headphone issue.
> What might be the issue here?
> TIA,
> Rich

Let me refer you to my Sales team. One of them should reach out to you shortly 
with a quote for our Technical Support Services.....

For real though your description of Pavucontrol's display doesn't make any 
sense. It looks like you are conflating the device list displayed in the Output 
Devices tab with the drop down that allows you to select which Port is 
currently in use. Are you looking for a missing USB audio device or are you 
trying to configure which port your motherboard's sound chip is outputting on?

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