d6jg wrote: 
> I think Pippin spotted why this doesn't work in some other thread. The
> docker uses a virtual bridge and I think he said that was a no no to
> Spotify. One player will work because it's the player doing the
> connecting. Synchronised it's the helper app i.e. LMS and that's double
> Natted.
> Make sense?
Yes, in the meantime I found this thread which also mentions that the
Docker container needs to run in host mode:

Nevertheless I gave up with the SPH, made sure that only Radios are
synced (before there was one a Boom), and tried with only the official
Logitech App.

At some point it even worked and I got 3 radio playing synced Spotify
(no clue what I did exactly. I essentially changed everything back and
forth, uninstalled, reinstalled, etc), but suddenly I'm back with the
"Invalid username or password error".

Seems like getting a PhD is simpler that to stream synced Spotify with
LMS :)

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