Does the Spotty plugin work on my QNAP TS 219 PII running LMS 7.7.2
This is the latest version of the LMS supported on my QNAP TS 219 PII

I _think_ this one's using a ARMv5 CPU ("Marvell 6282-ARM"). Which means it might not run, yet. But just a few postings up you see that user jr01 has managed to build a compatible spotty helper application. And he was kind enough to write down the instructions - which allowed me to build a binary today, too! So there's good hope I'll have something working in a few days.

That said: Spotty works best with LMS 7.9.1 (eg. previous versions would not allow you to seek in a Spotify track, or play a playlist by its ID etc.). Depending on your usage pattern you might want to investigate the update to 7.9.1. But you can do that once you figure out that a.) Spotty is working for you, and b.) you are missing those two or three features.


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