stroom wrote: 
> Actually, MusicMagicServer runs after reboot.
> But if I copy the following crontab entries in crontab with crontab -e
> (with change of the time for testing) the MusicMagicServer does not stop
> or start
> 0 4 * * * /home/pi/MusicIP/MusicMagicMixer/mmserver stop
> 1 4 * * * /home/pi/MusicIP/MusicMagicMixer/mmserver start
> If I run the command  "/home/pi/MusicIP/MusicMagicMixer/mmserver stop"
> directly in the commandline, it prompts for su password
It's because you have 
"su - $USER -c"
in your script, and not sudo instead of su, as in frankd script.
su prompts for a password, that's certainly why it doesn't work in the
crontab, there's no password entered at run time. 
At boot, because the user that runs mmserver script is root, the su
command doesn't ask for a password to run the job as pi (I didn't know
it, I just tried it).
sudo works differently. It doesn't ask for a password if there is a rule
in file /etc/sudoers that says so. /etc/sudoers is the rules file that
says how to deal with sudo commands, according to users and commands. I
didn't changed anything to this file.
I have the original script (with su) and I had the same problems.
So I changed the crontab with this :

    0 1 * * * sudo service mmserver stop
  5 1 * * * sudo service mmserver start

stroom wrote: 
>  f I run "sudo -u pi /home/pi/MusicIP/MusicMagicMixer/MusicMagicServer
> stop & > /dev/null 2>&1",  in the commandline it works as well, without
> prompting for a password. 
It's strange, it doesn't work for me, I have the message "Sorry, user pi
is not allowed to execute .."

LMS 7.9.0
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