Hi Michael,

Thanks for the spotty plugin! It's great to have Spotify up and running
again. It usually works really well over here.

However, once every few days, I have a problem. The squeezeboxserver
sometimes becomes unavailable when I'm playing around with Spotty
(1.9.5). That means that although there's still info on screen and the
web server responds, I can no longer control my Squeezeboxes. I found
out the culprit was a full /tmp partition. (Mine is 256MB.) If I
manually remove a lot of .tmpxxxx files that are owned by the
squeezeboxserver user (the xxx characters in the file names seem
random), then after a restart the system works great again.

Is this known behaviour? What can I do?

I'll try to find out how to enable debug logging so I can get some more
useful info the next time it happens. (My server.log doesn't show any
relevant info now.)

willemd's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65076
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