HB64 wrote: 
> I have more than 20000 tracks and in the past when i tried to analyze
> the tracks on a windows machine that are stored  on my nas it always
> failed due to the fact that the fingerprint can not be stored in the
> file where it needs to, take a look at following page
> https://www.spicefly.com/article.php?page=musicip-offline where it get's
> explained.

Hi HB64,
I don't see your point, this page states "The option will save the
fingerprint as a mp3 tag into the music file", which means that the
fingerprint will not be lost if you move the files and will be stored in
MusicIp database (default.m3lib) as well. I don't see where it is
stating that it could not work if the files are not on the machine doing
the analysis. 
If it didn't work when your files were on a nas, maybe there was some
rights problem, I don't see why it couldn't work.

LMS 7.9.0
on Linux Mageia 5 and RPI 3
1 SB3, 2 radio, 1 touch, 1 transporter SE
Plugins : Trackstat, Smartmix, MusicIP, ...
Antoniop's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39292
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106958

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