Paul_B wrote: 
> Echoing others this is a great little app. thanks for your efforts in
> putting it together and maintaining it.
> Couple of observations:
> >   > 
  - Notifications seem a little inconsistent - not necessarily
  > appearing at the point the song changes
  - Would it be possible to include volume up / volume down options as
  > keywords in the taskbar?
  - Does the app really use a telnet client or is this just
  > terminology used in the application log?
  > > > 
> Cheers

Notifications.  The notifications are triggered by receiving a "playlist
newsong" message from the server.  That message contains an ID for the
player and if that ID matches the player currently selected in the
browser, then the software will trigger a notification immediately.  I
can't control when that message arrives, though.

Volume +/-.  Do you mean add Vol+ and Vol- as Tray Menu commands?  I
could easily do this.  Volume is tricky because you have your computer's
volume and you have the player volume.  Right now, SLX does not mess
with computer volume and I would like to keep it that way.  So, if I am
understanding what you are asking, you'd like to see an option to add
Vol+ or Vol- to the Tray menu, or you might want volume buttons in the
taskbar thumb view.  I think space might be two tight to add two extra
buttons to taskbar thumb view, but I'll play with the idea.

Telnet.  Yes.  Logitech Media Server has a Telnet interface that allows
SLX to asynchronously listen to everything the server does.  SLX relies
on this to know when various events happen, like a new song is played, a
player does something or is powered on/off, a player gets renamed from
somewhere else, etc.  LMS also has a Json interface, that allows SLX to
issue commands and get results in a synchronous manner.  SLX uses this
interface also for certain things depending on what is most convenient
from a programming perspective.

R Greg Dawson

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