I'm working on some under-the-covers networking code...

Squeezelite-X currently will not connect to a remote LMS server.  For
example if you try to connect from your office to an LMS on your home
network via port forwarding, it will not find the server.  Now, I am not
suggesting it is a good idea to open your LMS to the internet via port
forwarding.  (Read the sticky in the General area for all the reasons
you should not do this.)  I have never tried this until yesterday just
to see if SLX would work.  It didn't.  I had some code in there whose
purpose was the distinguish between a server that was there, but LMS was
not running, or was running on a different port, versus a server that
was completely turned off or didn't exist.  Anyway it doesn't work in
this scenario.  That got me looking into the some of the networking code
and methodically  testing all sorts of different things and failure
scenarios.  Such as, password required, username/password incorrect,
http port is wrong, telenet port is wrong, service can't be found,
server can be found, but LMS is not running, LMS is being
restarted/reinstalled/upgraded, etc, etc.  So I have made a few
under-the-covers improvements that will improve how SLX responds when it
runs into these sorts of issues.  So in the next version,

1.  Connecting across the internet will work.
2.  A specific "can't connect" scenario was taking to long to respond
and freezing the GUI for 10-20 seconds.  (Specifically, the case where
you provide a username/password, but the one or both of the port ids are
incorrect.)  This will be fixed.

For the vast majority of you (I hope), you have not seen these
scenarios.  But they will be fixed in the next version.

As for opening LMS to the internet via port forwarding, it is generally
not a good idea.  Even with password turned on, it is not a good idea. 
Passwords are passed in the clear over http and LMS has no defense
against brute force attacks.  So for my test, I turned on "Block
Incoming Connections" and then allowed only the IP address I was testing
from.  And I used a unique password not used anywhere else.  And I am
still not sure how secure that is.  But I have SLX able to work in this
scenario.  (WOL will never work in this scenario, by the way.)

As for new features, I am always entertaining new ideas, or even old
ones that I forgot about.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
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