rbl wrote: 
> To get BBC iPlayer to work well I have to set the "seconds to delay
> start live stream" to 2 minutes. If I set it to 1 minute the playback
> breaks up every few minutes. If I set it to 15 seconds not only does
> playback break up, but it also takes about 30 seconds to start playback
> at all.  I think this is quite an old problem. Just wondering if there
> is a fix yet?
> BBC iPlayer v1.5.4.5
> Buffer fullness set to 255.
> Live Stream Pref=DashFlac->Dash
> Bitrate for Live stream DASH = Use highest bitrate available
> Repository=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/bpaplugins/V154testrelease-repo.xml
> 1 year old PC running Windows 10 64bit, i5, 8GB, SSD.

Are you in the UK ?

This should only affect live streams.

It is a problem only with Windows systems mainly 10 but I suspect also 8
but oddly not all configurations. 
I don't have a Windows 10 system so I can't reproduce it nor debug it.

I'm pretty sure the problem is due to a change in Windows process
scheduling made in Win8/10 and it has affected the LMS support app
socketwrapper.  It will only be fixed by me when I get a Win 10 system -
however for the moment my Win7 is adequate.

Try reducing buffer fullness down to 50 - it will speed start up but too
small also causes break-ups.   If you are in the UK make sure you have
the "use highest speed" preference.

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