d6jg wrote: 
> Why are you developing 2 separate UIs? Why not one fully responsive CSS
> ?

Its not 2 separate UIs - they share 95% of the code, its just a
different layout. I originally wanted it to be more responsive, so that
if you shrunk the width it would switch to the mobile style layout, and
back to desktop when expanded. However, I have no idea how to do this.
The mobile UI has he concept of routes (when you change the view, the
url should change - the part after # indicates the current view/route).
But even though you might be on the browse page, he queue view is still
active (so it can handle changes, etc) The dekstop, however, has no
routing, as its all visible. I could duplicate the views, and only have
the mobile/desktop ones be active - but this would be a lot of overhead.
Anyway, even sites like github have separate desktop and mobile views.

d6jg wrote: 
> Is the intention to eventually replace the current Default skin with a
> Browser check to determine whether to display this HTML5 skin or the
> Default version?

I have no intention of replacing the default LMS skin, if that is what
you mean by default. Material, however, should auto-detect whether to
use desktop or mobile layout - and it does for me.

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