I come back to my issue with LMS players in spotify connect API.
For the issue with the changing player names for a group player I made
some workarounds, means I can handle them.
But the issue with players disappearing in Spotify Connect API still

They are related: whenever a group changes, Spotty will initialize the daemon for that group - which can lead to it temporarily disappear.

But after a while, the players disappear and are no longer manageable
via SC API.

When this happens, could you please go to your LMS machine and see whether there still are spotty processes running for each of your Connect enabled device?

Is there a way to send something like keep-alives to spotify when the
players are in stand-by mode?

There's a checkbox in the Spotty settings to "monitor" the connection. You could try to enable this option. It would exactly do this: poll Spotify for player information (as you did), and restart the daemon, should Spotify have lost information about it.


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