Resonantly I upgraded my Wifi to a Unifi system. This allowed me to
segment my network (main, IOT, guest) using a single Wifi AP. Now all of
my squeezeboxes are on my IOT network. This may have caused a couple of
issues, One is my Spotify user name and password are not saving. I have
to reenter them after the server is rebooted (RP3 on Max2play). The
second issue is when I use my android phone (on main network) with
Squeeze Ctrl Spotify will play approximately 5 seconds a song and then
skip to the next track continuously. Any ideas as to when may be causing
these issues?



2 Max2Play Pi3 HifiBerry Amp+, 1 Max2Play Pi3 Hifiberry Digi+ Pro w/ 7"
touch, 1 SB Touch,  & 1 SB Radio
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