paul.burden wrote: 
> Sorry for the inadequate information answers below:
> What OS ? Windows Home server 2011
> What type and speed of processor ? AMD Athlon II Neo N36L Dual Core
> Processor 1.30 GHz 8GB RAM
> What version of LMS ? 7.9.2 (but the problem was there with 7.9.1)
> What version BBCiPlayer plugin ?1.6.7
> What BBCiPlayer setting ? HLS>MP3>FlashAAC>FlashMP3 but I experienced
> the same issue with the preference starting with DASh
> Are you in the UK? Yes

My gut feel is the dual core processor but I have to dig up an old XP
laptop to confirm.

There was a LMS Windows bug which was main reason for delay on most
Windows platforms which was present up to 7.9.1 Jul 2018 

In terms of settings I'd use DASH rather than HLS - so preference is
best with DASH > HLS > MP3 > FlashAAC.   There is definitely no FlashMP3
anymore and probably no FlashAAC either.

On some system the hiccough can be reduced by setting the "delay to
start live stream" to something like 30 sec or more possibly 1 or 2
minutes - the value is system dependent.

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