rgdawson wrote: 
> SLX actually does not register the HotKeys for volume_up, volume_down. 
> It only registers the hotkeys for:
> The volume keys always apply to the local device.  I thought about the
> volume keys before deciding that it would be better if SLX did not take
> over those keys.
> I suppose I could consider adding this as an option to also register
> those keys for SLX, is that what you are looking for?
> R Greg DawsonWould be nice to use volume keys to control SB player since my 
> working
place is running on vmware so the keys are now controlling the host
instead of the working place. By making it optional everyone can make a
suitable choice for himself.

*SqueezeBoxes:* 1x Transporter (Living room) 1x SB2 (shed), 1x Radio
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piCorePlayer (Garden) 1x OSMC + Squeezelite (Movie room), 1x Touch
(Study 2), few spare unit's
*Server:* LMS on Pi3 7.9.1. on PcP 3.21
*Network:* AVM Fritzbox, Netgear Smart Switch 24p, 3x Ubiquity
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