cpd73 wrote: 
> And my response would be the same. The type is set to "text". Sorry, but
> I do not subscribe to any services - so I cannot check myself.
> Anyhow, I've just added a work-around for this. But, I still think there
> is an issue with your (or LMS's) code. Why state the item is a text item
> if it is not?

>And my response would be the same.

With the reference to #3796 I just wanted to give an indication of what
the content of #3818 is based on.
But #3818 is also important to narrow down possible causes for this
I did not take the time to test and document many things just for fun.
I'm trying really hard to figure out what's wrong here.

>But, I still think there is an issue with your (or LMS's) code. 

I think you are wrong about my code or the code of the MusikArtistInfo
plugin by Michael which is called here.
Maybe LMS has a problem, but that would surprise me.

>Why state the item is a text item if it is not?

Because it is a text element and it is in code. It is a text element
with an image at the beginning.

Here is the called Perl code from MusicArtistInfo::ArtistInfo.pm (it's
Michael's code not mine):

    if ($photos && ref $photos eq 'ARRAY') {
                        my $credit = cstring($client, 'BY') . ' ';
                        $items = [ map {
                                        type  => 'text',
                                        name  => $_->{credits} ? ($credit . 
$_->{credits}) : '',
                                        image => $_->{url},
                                        jive  => { showBigArtwork => 1, actions 
=> { do => { cmd => [ 'artwork', $_->{url} ] }, }, }
                        } (@$photos) ];

The text contains where the image comes from.

Why do you suppress the text?

If you look at the default skin, you will notice that the text is
displayed there and you can set the display mode in a menu (text only,
small images, big images) in the lower left corner.


But I think the problem is somewhere else, please have a closer look at
message #3818 and the JSON-RESP. 
The effect described there has nothing to do with the type "text" and
also not with my code.

|Filename: Artist Pictures 3.JPG                                    |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=29998|

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