sveninndh wrote: 
> 1. Default Skin,  *nowhere problems* with viewing artist photos
> 2. Squeezeplay, *nowhere problems* with viewing artist photos
> 3. Classic Skin,  *nowhere problems* with viewing artist photos

Do *any* of these support *"browseonlineartist"*?? If not, then its not
a fair comparison.

Still, the *issue* is that you return a list of images and state that
each one is a *text* item. Not sure how I can be any clearer on this
point. *This* is the point that is tripping material up. Perhaps its an
issue with Material, and I have added a work-around. But, *why* state an
item is *text* if its an image? I understand it also has text. But LMS
does not return a track list and state each item is text - and each item
does have some text.

Really, please stop going round and round and round in circles. I have
stated what I see this issue as - quite clearly, multiple times. What
other clients do is up to them. But *your* code returns *type=text* for
an *image*!

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2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open console tab in developer tools
4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.
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