IanHaynes wrote: 
> This may not be connected to the BBCiPlayer plugin, so apologies if
> not.
> I recently moved from running PiCorePlayer and LMS on the same Pi2, to a
> separate Pi3 for LMS and using the Pi2 as just a player. Since doing so
> it appears that the sound from BBC radio is bass heavy. It's not
> noticeable on music played from elsewhere . There have been no
> adjustments to any settings on the Pi2 player, other than turning LMS
> off (which is still installed). The Alas mixer settings have never been
> adjusted and are flat.
> Any thoughts appreciated.

BBCiPlayer Plugins does absolutley nothing with audio - the audio data
is passed through untouched.  Look elsewhere for possible changes (e.g.
kernel, driver)

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