cpd73 wrote: 
> ...I've applied most of your changes, but used LMS's timer instead of a
> sleep and had this call an anonymous function - not sure if this works,
> as my Perl is terrible! New version is here:30966

Marvelous!! Thank you so much!! 

Apart of 1 small thing everything work wonderful!!  I tested all
scenarios and came across one not working but its not big deal as long
as I remember about it.. Also its probably smth to do with Group

If Source is group I can only choose one of sync pair as destiation (SB
Radios) I assume Master.. If I chose slave all stop without playlist .  
(btw source Group doesn't contain any of destination players..) 

Moving into same pair from another player (not group) works fine
regardless which one of sync pair is destination.. 

Like I said its no big deal at all, and as long as I remember to choose
first Kitchen player as works great! 

Thank you so much!  

All other scenarios work fine:  
-from player to synced pair
-from player to group
-from player to player
-from synced pair to player
-from synced pair to group (including source becoming part of
destination group) 
-from group to player
-from group to group

-from group to synced pair (only if destination is master of sync - as
mentioned above)
-not possible to move if destination is already synced to source ( incl
groups) "as by design"

Hopefully I covered all scenarios If you would like me to test it more
or I missed smth let me know. 

3x Squeezebox Touch, 3x Squeezebox Radio, SqueezeCommander, Logitech
Media Server Version: 8.0.0
Jaca's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58187
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=109624

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