jemhayward wrote: 
> I didn't consciously install the slimline version, but it seems a bit
> rude of them to call it by the same name and version it higher then the
> real thing!  I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but
> it's causing issues, so they really shouldn't have done it that way.
> Anyway, offending item disabled, and iPlayer and iPlayer extras working
> and much faster too.  Keep up the good work!

To install the system line plugin, you had to added a respository and
then click on install from plugins.  If you do not have a systemline
system, you probably still have the repositry URL added and it needs to
be removed - it will cause trouble.

Systemline were polite and upfront, they asked if they could use the
plugin & I said yes as it was open source but I'd offer no special
support. I believe Systemline have a proper connection to BBC (i.e.
program feed & technical issues exchange) and so their involvement
benefits LMS community.

To have both plugins on same system requires additional effort not
detailed in the forum - so unlikely ever to have naming clashes.

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