mcoste wrote: 
> BTW, does HLS provide benefits beyond aac or mp3? I hadn't come across
> it until I used your GREAT plugin Paul
These comment are HLS generic and not FIP specific.

I think FIP just uses HLS as another broadcast format. HLS was initially
an Apple implementation of "chunked http", but now an RFC and with
multiple versions of varying complexity. AFAICT A lot of stations
implement HLS to get better compliance with Apple devices.

HLS is a transport protocol - it is not concerned with codecs. Often
station use the *exact* same audio stream in the normal http  and HLS

Technically, the main benefit of DASH/HLS (i.e. chunked http) is that
the broadcaster can vary the bitrate of the stream according to feedback
from the player regarding the available bandwidth.  This has been used
by video streaming (e.g. Netflix - quality varies according to available
bandwidth rather than stop & rebuffer) but I haven't come across many
broadcaster who implement it for audio. PlayHLS does not support varying
the bitrate dynamically.

HLS also has defined more standardised & flexible methods for metadata
(e.g. ID3, fragmented MPEG4) rather than icy which is limited.  IIR FIP
does not use the HLS metadata capabilities.

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