Hello, I downloaded a 7.9.2 package about a year ago to update my
Synology Beta 7.9.1-168 LMS. Then, well family problems, Christmas and
New Year and just about to pick it up again in February and ... the
house was flooded (about 40cm deep but bad enough) ... then Covid-19 and
lockdowns - yes 2020 has been a great year - so I am again about to try
and upgrade LMS on my DS214Play.   

So, my first question is: can I go straight from 7.9.1 to 8.0.0? Are
there any pitfalls?

Secondly, I am unsure as to the future status of the current LMS
packages on Synology: is it worth me upgrading my NAS from the i686
DS214Play to, say, an x86_64 DS220+ to ensure continuity (the 214 is
just fine so far)?

I got my first two Squeezebox Touches just before Logitech announced
they were dropping them (damn you Logitech, you idiots they were
stunningly good), but having got Classical music sorted and presented as
I want I really do not want to go to yet another music-player software
product (especially an Album Artist -> Album only one). So, it is almost
impossible to say how grateful I am to Martin and Michael and all of the
others who are not just keeping LMS going, to say nothing of
PiCorePlayer, but keeping it as, to me, the best music-player software
available. Thank you is not enough but it is all one can say.

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