DAR wrote: 
> I haven't fully understood all of your proposed solutions to address
> this problem in the material skin, but I want to make sure you're not
> overthinking this. 

The dev version sends +/- the defined volume increment when using the
up/down vol buttons when a player has fixed volume. This is also
extended by a server-side Material setting that will cause Material to
'ignore' the fixed volume state. When that is set, the volume for fixed
volume players will be controlled as if they are not fixed volume - so
the slider will be active, and the up/down buttons will set a volume
relative to the current (as shown in the slider) volume. So, if vol=80%
and increment=5%, then down will set volume to 75%

However, I'm not sure if this is really required. Or if Material should
just ignore fixed volume?

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.
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